Information about insurance cover for dynamically priced tickets
Europ Assistance (Schweiz) Versicherungen AG is the new insurance partner for the ski region of Adelboden-Lenk for the sale of dynamically priced ski passes and additional single tickets. Insurance is automatically taken out when selling dynamically priced tickets and is included in the ticket price.
For season tickets, additional insurance can also be taken out for groups/ski camps/school camps/educational courses, etc. GCI)
The insurer provides cover if the insured person is unable to use their pass for any of the following reasons:
- Accident, illness or death of the insured person;
- Accident, illness or death of a relative (life partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law or child of the insured person’s life partner);
- Inclement weather: Storm, risk of avalanche or excessive snowfall which reduces the number of operating Ski lift serving the resort to less than three* (where the nearest ski area is more than 30 minutes away by car/public transport from the location of the holiday or overnight accommodation located in the tourist area of Adelboden-Frutigen-Lenk).
*excludes mini and individual lifts (separate regulations for subareas)
- Events which, at the time of taking out the insurance or buying the pass, had already occurred or could reasonably be foreseen by the insured person;
- Pre-existing illness, pregnancy or injury diagnosed or treated prior to purchasing the ski pass which poses the risk of sudden deterioration.
- Pandemic, epidemic or quarantine measures in the country of residence or abroad.
- Events resulting from participation in, or training for, an official competition organized by a sporting association, whether taking place professionally or under a paid contract, and the liability related to such activities.
Participation in races of a competitive nature, including as an amateur. Further exclusions are set out in the GTC (General Terms and Conditions).
In order to make a claim, the insured person must provide Europ Assistance (Schweiz) with the following:
- Ski pass, blocking number receipt or confirmation of the ski pass transaction;
- Completed claim form;
- Doctor’s certificate (in the case of illness or accident);
- Bank details.
Optional insurance can be taken out for groups/ski camps/class camps/educational courses, etc. covering reimbursement in the case of illness or accident, costing CHF 3 per person per day.
Contact Europ Assistance
Europ Assistance (Schweiz) Versicherungen AG
Phone: +41 (0) 22 939 22 96
E-Mail: claims@europ-assistance.ch
When does the insurance apply?
There are different provisions per subfield as to when the insurance can be applied.
Inclement weather: Storm, risk of avalanche or excessive snowfall which reduces the number of operating Ski lift serving the resort to less than three* (where the nearest ski area is more than 30 minutes away by car/public transport from the location of the holiday or overnight accommodation located in the tourist area of Adelboden-Frutigen-Lenk).
*excludes mini and individual lifts:
- Gondelbahn Stand-Xpress 1. Sektion (Rothenbach-Metsch)
- Übungslifte Geils
- Übungslift Norro
- Übungslift Zwerg
- Übungslift Hampy
- Übungslift Gody
- Kleinlifte Adelboden
- Tanzboden (Tellerlilift Sillerenbühl)
- Lurnigegge (Verbindungslift auf Talabfahrt Geils-Bergläger)
Inclement weather: Storm, risk of avalanche or excessive snowfall which reduces the number of operating Ski lift serving the resort to less than three*
*excludes mini and individual lifts:
- Kinder-Skilift Mauren
- Skilift Mauren
- Skilift Balmen
- Kinder-Skilift Stoss
- Förderband Stoss
If due to weather conditions (storm, avalanche danger as well as excessive snowfall) no lift* is in operation.
*excludes mini and individual lifts:
- Lift Metschegg
- Lift Höchst
- Lift Widerhubel
If due to weather conditions (storm, avalanche danger as well as excessive snowfall) the chairlift Möser- Tschentenegg is not in operation.
Storm, avalanche danger as well as excessive snowfall leading to the closure of all facilities (ski lifts). Exclusively the 2 small lifts in the Globiparadies/Kinderparadies, the Snowtubelift, the drag lift over the plain and the aerial tramways.
Inclement weather: Storm, risk of avalanche or excessive snowfall which reduces the number of operating Ski lift serving the resort to less than three* (where the nearest ski area is more than 30 minutes away by car/public transport from the location of the holiday or overnight accommodation located in the tourist area of Adelboden-Frutigen-Lenk).
*exklusively the following lifts:
- Übungslift Gody
- Kleinlifte Adelboden